PHP Tutorial From Beginner to Master
PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is a very popular and widely-used open source server-side
scripting language to write dynamically generated web pages. PHP was originally created by Rasmus
Lerdorf in 1994. It was initially known as Personal Home Page.
PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is a very popular and widely-used open source server-side
scripting language to write dynamically generated web pages. PHP was originally created by Rasmus
Lerdorf in 1994. It was initially known as Personal Home Page.
PHP scripts are executed on the server and the result is sent to the web browser as plain
HTML. PHP can be integrated with the number of popular databases, including MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, and so on. The current major version
of PHP is 7. All of the code in this tutorial has been tested and validated against the most
recent release of PHP 7. Best Way to Learn HTML and CSS . HTML
What You Can Do with PHP
There are lot more things you can do with PHP.
You can generate pages and files dynamically.
You can create, open, read, write and close files on the server.
You can collect data from a web form such as user information, email, phone no, etc.What is Bootstrap Language ? II
You can send emails to the users of your website.
You can send and receive cookies to track the visitor of your website.
You can store, delete, and modify information in your database.
You can restrict unauthorized access to your website.
You can encrypt data for safe transmission over internet.
The list does not end here, there are many other interesting things that you can do with What is Html Tag and attribute ?
PHP. You will learn about all of them in detail in upcoming chapters.
Advantages of PHP over Other Languages
If you're familiar with other server-side languages like ASP.NET or Java, you might be wondering what
makes PHP so special. There are several advantages why one should choose PHP.
Easy to learn: PHP is easy to learn and use. For beginner programmers who just started out in web Google Adsense Account Kese Create Kare
development, PHP is often considered as the preferable choice of language to learn.
Open source: PHP is an open-source project. It is developed and maintained by a worldwide
community of developers who make its source code freely available to download and use.
Portability: PHP runs on various platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc. and it is Single Google Account Se Multiple Youtube Chennal Kese Create Kare
compatible with almost all servers used today such Apache, IIS, etc.
Fast Performance: Scripts written in PHP usually execute or runs faster than those written in other Blogger per sitemap kese Submit Kare
scripting languages like ASP, Ruby, Python, Java, etc.
Vast Community: Since PHP is supported by the worldwide community, finding help or documentation
related to PHP online is extremely easy.Online Logo Generate Kese Kare
What This Tutorial Covers
This PHP tutorial series covers all the fundamental programming concepts, including data types,
operators, creating and using variables, generating outputs, structuring your code to make decisions in
your programs or to loop over the same block of code multiple times, creating and manipulating strings
and arrays, defining and calling functions, and so on.Blog Banane Ke Baad Adsense Ko Kab Connect Kare
Once you're comfortable with the basics, you'll move on to next level that explains the concept file
system, sessions and cookies, dates and times, as well as how to send email from your script, handling
and validating forms, perform data filtration and handling errors in PHP.
Finally, you'll explore some advanced concepts like classes and objects, parsing JSON data, pattern Strong Password Kaise Banaye Tips Aur Strong Password Banane Ke Liye Password Generator Tool
matching with regular expressions, exception handling as well as how to use PHP to manipulate data in
MySQL database and create useful features like user login system, Ajax search, etc.
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