How to makes a good web designer. वेब टेक इन हिंदी।
Usability and the utility, not the visual design, determine the success or failure of a web-site.
Since the visitor of the page is the only person who clicks the mouse and therefore decides everything,
user-centric design has established as a standard approach for successful and profit-oriented web
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design. After all, if users can’t use a feature, it might as well not exist.
Usability and the utility, not the visual design, determine the success or failure of a website. Since the
visitor of the page is the only person who clicks the mouse and therefore decides everything, user-What is Java Script ? Best Java Script Tutorial.
centrist design has become a standard approach for successful and profit-oriented web design. After all,PHP Tutorial From Beginner to Master
if users can’t use a feature, it might as well not exist.What is Web Designing and Development
Your website is sometimes the only thing your customers see. You want that sucker to be so eye-
poppingly awesome that it attracts backlinks, case studies like these, media attention, and
customers out the wazoo. Blogger per Post Kese Likhe
Alright, so this is a pretty huge subject to tackle. There are thousands of books and courses written on web design. Google Adsense Account Kese Create Kare
Before I start spatting off lessons, I want to ensure you can take something away and implement it today. Google Search Console Me URL Parameters Kaise Use Kare
So, here are the four basic principles of what makes a good website to keep in mind before your redesign/launch:
Great design starts with a purpose in mind. Ask yourself, “What do I want to accomplish with this page?” High Quality Backlink Kaise Banaye
If a page doesn’t have a clear purpose, consider getting rid of it.
Aesthetically pleasing.
I’ll dig more into this in section one on visual design, but your site needs to look good.
If your site looks like it was built in the 90’s, it’s time for an update.
Relevant and original content.
Your site should show content that’s relevant to your target market and original. Plagiarism is illegal
and penalized by Google. Besides, it’s better to be a first-rate version of yourself than a second-rate
version of someone else.
Clear site navigation.
I’ll discuss this further in section two on technical aspects, but know that navigation matters.
Any page on your site should be within three clicks of any other page on your site. Your navigation
should be intuitive and simple. This helps both Google for SEO and your visitors for navigation.
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हैं. आप सीखे वेबसाइट क्या है और इसके प्रकार (What is Website in Hindi). हम इसके सम्बन्धी सब्दों के बारे
में भी विस्तार से चर्चा किए हैं. आपको सायद पता नहीं हो हर एक minute में 1 नई website बन रही है. भविष्यत
में आपको सारी जानकारी आपको Inernet में ही मिल जाएगी जो अभी नहीं है. मेरी हमेशा से यही कोशिश रहती है
की readers को Website के विषय में पूरी जानकारी प्रदान की जाये जिससे उन्हें किसी दुसरे sites या internet में
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